To be able to purchase or view the prices of our products, registration is mandatory. Not registered? Click on "Login/Register" at the top right and create your account. It will only take you 30 seconds to become part of the La Vittoria world. You will immediately receive a welcome voucher!
Once registered, you will be able to view all product prices. Add the products you are interested in to your cart. The system will automatically calculate the shipping costs based on weight and destination, which you can see by clicking on the cart.
ATTENTION! In order to reduce the incidence of the shipping cost as much as possible, check that you have entered the number of packages necessary to get as close as possible to (but not exceeding) 600Kg of goods or the number of packages necessary to make up one or multiples of whole pallets.
N.B.: the number of packages required to form a whole pallet changes for each product, you will find this information in the information sheet for each product.
Something not clear to you? Need help? Don't worry! Call us on 0871-565770, we will help you!